New Brancepeth, Durham, S Catherine
Place | New Brancepeth S Catherine |
Unitary authority | Durham |
Lieutenancy area | Durham |
Country | England |
Historic county | Durham |
Dove tower ID | 22299 |
Rings | 1 (chime)See below |
Grid reference | NZ224414 |
Latitude & longitude | 54.76772, -1.65309View on OpenStreetMapList nearest towers |
Satnav lat & long | No optimised destination for satellite navigation has been submittedAdd details |
Postcode | DH7 7HZ |
Diocese | Durham |
Church | Church of England |
Church heritage record | 4236 |
Chime of 1
Bells | 1 (chime)Edit details |
Bell | Weight | Nominal | Note | Diameter | Dated | Founder | Canons | Turning | Hanging | ||
1 | 19.00″ |
[1]Source contributor
G P Elphick, Jul 1978
Published: 23/11/2021
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