St Wenn, Cornwall, S Wenna
Place | St Wenn S Wenna |
Unitary authority | Cornwall |
Lieutenancy area | Cornwall |
Country | England |
Historic county | Cornwall |
Dove tower ID | 10288 |
Rings | 6 (full-circle ring), tenor 10 cwt in G♯See below |
Grid reference | SW967648 |
Latitude & longitude | 50.44804, -4.86380View on Google Map or OpenStreetMapList nearest towers |
Satnav lat & long | No optimised destination for satellite navigation has been submittedAdd details |
Postcode | PL30 5PS |
Diocese | Truro |
Church | Church of England |
Listed grade | I by Historic England |
Church heritage record | 13630 |
Affiliation | Truro Diocesan Guild |
Performances | Search for performances on BellBoard As of last night, BellBoard listed 11 performances here, of which 2 were peals and none were in the last two years |
Ring of 6, tenor 10 cwt in G♯
Bells | 6 (full-circle ring)Edit details |
Tenor | 10 cwt (1120 lb or ~510 kg) in G♯ |
Practices | Wed |
Peals | View 7 peals in the Felstead Database |
Also | Ground floor ringing chamber |
Update log
Last updated: 17/09/2006